
Links for Sept 13, 2006

Joe posts some thoughts on our first gathering as theStory and also pictures of the place we are looking to have gatherings in the future; an old United church that wants to give it to us for 33 bucks a week and we get to leave our stuff there all week.
Bob Hyatt has been doing some thinking and writing about Video Venues, and while it isn’t something that I care much about, I think his two posts are awesome and super well written. I also think its quite relevant in southwestern ontario here with The Meeting House growing quite large. Post 1 | Post 2
Can someone please tell me how to edit pictures as cool as this guy edits his pictures. The colour and tone is just so cool looking and I can never figure it out. Maybe I need the pictures that will do it also.
Iraq administers the death penalty
Stephen Colbert is by far my favourite comedian. I can sit for long periods of time and watch his videos on his site or YouTube. This one minute clip probably ranks as the ultimate clip in my opinion. He’s interviewing a guy who is sponsoring a bill to get the 10 commandments up in Congress. Colbert just lets him talk, he does all the humiliating himself. Then he asks him to name the ten commandments…

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