
Links for January 28, 2007

Blood on the Doorpost: From Egypt to the Gulf Coast – This was an awesome post done by Radical Torah. “Marking their homes with blood was thus be an act of proud defiance – the Israelites were, in a sense “wearing their oppression” openly to the outside world.” Here is an art display that did just that. He was dying of AIDS and he took his blood and spread it on a doorpost for an art exhibit.
On my trips in the car, which lately I’ve had many, I’ve been listening to CBC Radio 1, and they have some awesome stories to tell always with web links. They talked about how there are these short films out there made specifically for video phones. Called Shorts in Motion. There is nine total. One video is called Not Pretty, really. It’s a short documentary on being pretty and how people respond to being pretty, it was awesome! The one called Strip Show was absolutely hilarious. The video called 120 Seconds to get Elected is ingenious.
Here is a great idea for an ice-breaker.
The oldest people in the world. This is probably the craziest time in all of history to live as long as these people have, the changes we have seen in the last 100 years have been astronomical.
If you have no pride in your name. Consider changing your name to the highest bidder like this guy is doing. $37000 so far if he changes his name to Free-A-Store-Us-Rex. That is freakin remarkable.
Imagine if the world was like this
. This sounds like the Kingdom I’m part of.
For those of you that switched to the New Blogger, you may realize that the blogger nav bar has been published to the top. Here is the new code to put in your stylesheet to remove it.
The iPhone offering eternal life. (ht)