
Links for March 20, 2007

What is truth?
This is a killer post based on a study done with seminary students. It talks about Relativism and if its really about what we believe or more the current context in which we are forced to make a decision. I really enjoyed this.
Jared links to a article on Christian Fantasy Cycles and Stages of Faith
Pernell was in the Toronto Star for his tatoos.
Pernell actually posted a similiar post to mine below on communities and institutions. Check it out here.
The FRWY is starting up a mission program called CML (Cultivate Missional Living). Where people ages 18-30 can go and live in community for a year and get some experience doing urban development and doing things alongside of the FRWY. For the Pentecostals, think of it like Master’s Commission, but living downtown and working with your neighbourhood. For the Mormon’s think of it as your two years you give to the church on your mission. I’ve always loved these types of programs and I think this one is going to be done well.