
Obama is our Next Messiah

I follow politics very little, so my views are probably tainted and not worth reading. However, I’m tired of Obama already. He isn’t even president yet and we’ve already seen the tears, songs, crazy expensive inauguration and his recipe book.

I’m just tired of it. I’m tired of us all believing the lie that this one individual is somehow going to make up for our last hundred years of mistakes. I’m tired of see us all believe that he’s got hidden somewhere a success cheat sheet for how to run a country. Don’t get me wrong, I see the history in the making and he was by far the best candidate that I saw, but I can’t jump on the band wagon that I actually believe he is going to make our world a better place. I hope Christians still put their hope in Jesus and not Obama for change. I hope we can all just pull ourselves away from our celebrity culture for a few seconds and think about what we are doing. Let’s stop worshiping and idolizing this man, and put our faith in those things that are eternal.

I hope we don’t just go on following blindly yet another leader to a point where we regret everything we did beforehand. Obama is not Jesus, nor does he represent the Kingdom of God. May God use him to help further it but let us not get mistaken in thinking he is it or can somehow snap his fingers and make it happen.

3 thoughts on “Obama is our Next Messiah”

  1. Dave Hoyt-Walterhouse

    Well if he’s not Jesus or the Kingdom of God then he must be the Anti-Christ. I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a huge outcry from fundamentalists about a unifying world leader connected to the strife in the middle East. That would be at least pretty close to the interpretation that a lot of them propagate.

    Although I understand what you are saying, I think you are reacting to the expressions(advertisements) of a few who stand to profit from this week alone. What you are really seeing is the belief of a mass populace that someone that can be compared to Jesus is being given a great amount of power. It’s more like Jesus embodied in a concept, embodied in a person. Of course one could argue that Obama inspires by words and not necessarily actions (yet). But words have power and meaning…and they can MOTIVATE an individual to do things and make decisions with a different intention than they normally would have.
    I think what you are also seeing is a collective realization of the power of individual choice (don’t call it democracy though as that has become tainted by greed)

    If Obama wouldn’t have been elected by the majority of his fellow citizens, would each individual further lose hope in the power of one vote? I know you’re not sold on the voting concept but the voting process is one of the most universal expressions of individual choice and empowerment here in the north west.

    I believe that by Obama winning the election, it has reinvigorated the INDIVIDUAL to realize that they DON’T have to rely on just one person. That through their one individual decision they were able to improve the prospect of daily life for not just themselves, but their family, friends and a world of people that they don’t know.

    If Obama would have lost this election, it would have further demoralized a huge group of people the world over by demonstrating that the decisions that they make daily do not have the power to change anything from the inside -out or outside-in


  2. from the previous commenter…

    “If Obama would have lost this election, it would have further demoralized a huge group of people the world over by demonstrating that the decisions that they make daily do not have the power to change anything from the inside -out or outside-in”


    The thing is, not he himself, but the events that have lead to this moment, their timing and their weight, and the prophetic calling that has preceded this day, do mean a certain kind of salvation for many citizens of America. If we forget this we become very cold inside.

  3. i am aware of the messianic grandeur of obama’s presidency and have found myself swept up in it at moments. with that is the deep cynicism in me that nothing can change because until now, it hasn’t. he stirs hope in me but i hold that together with the knowing that he will disappoint, at some point.

    i really like what previous commenter said:
    “The thing is, not he himself, but the events that have lead to this moment, their timing and their weight, and the prophetic calling that has preceded this day, do mean a certain kind of salvation for many citizens of America. If we forget this we become very cold inside.”

    be stirred, be open to hope, know that only Jesus saves.

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