

Nathan Colquhoun for Sarnia Mayor 2022

Building a City Your GrandKids Won't Want to Leave

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What I care about most is the greater good—for all.

My formal education is in social services, and my employment experience is in organizational leadership and strategic planning. These interests taught me how to start and sustain successful businesses and manage multi-million dollar budgets. Personally, my experience as a charity director and volunteer board member educated me on how to serve others and how to be “human first” in my decision-making.

I strongly support unions and workers’ rights, public services to boost the quality of life for everyone, and scientific research to implement policy. I choose people before profits, listening before speaking, unions before corporations, quality before quantity, honesty before flattery, respect before power, and local interests before global aims. I welcome criticism, speak frankly, and enjoy the process of debate.

If elected mayor, I will continue to invest my life in Sarnia, my hometown.

My Platform

  • Waterfront
  • Families
  • Small Business
  • Indoor Rec Centre
  • Active Transportation
  • Housing
  • Infrastructure

Two years ago, as a city councillor, I motioned to transform the Centennial Park waterfront for our community. Today, we have an approved fifteen-year plan to upgrade our waterfront to world-class status.

Rooted in commerce and recreation, the Sarnia Waterfront project is future-focused. As a redefined landmark, it will welcome residents, invite visitors, and inspire innovators and entrepreneurs.

As your mayor, I will commit to championing this plan responsibly and cost-effectively.


Healthy cities provide opportunities and advantages for their residents, regardless of age or station in life. Sarnia is much more than a retirement town or a chemical valley; our young people should not have to leave to realize their potential.

As your mayor, I will empower ideas and initiatives that benefit families and raise the quality of life for all residents.


Encouraging and supporting small businesses and small business owners signifies strong municipal leadership. However, Sarnia’s current barriers, bureaucracy, and outdated policies discourage new endeavours. As the founder of multiple local small businesses, I have first-hand experience with the challenges and frustrations that stem from short-sighted economical leadership. If Sarnia wants local businesses to flourish, Sarnia must provide the possibility.

As your mayor, I will rally support for our local entrepreneurs and encourage opportunities for outside investors.

Artist concept of the Indoor Multi-Use Recreation Facility proposed for Sarnia.
Submitted Image

Two years ago, as a city councillor, I made the motion to build a state-of-the-art indoor recreation centre. The first of its kind in Sarnia, this new facility will house indoor soccer fields, batting cages, and a track. My vision includes health and wellness opportunities for families. For athletes, it’s about the chance to train in Sarnia and hone their skills at home. Previously, in a related project, it was my successful motion to establish a disc golf course in Centennial Park and beach volleyball courts at Canatara Park.

As your mayor, I will prioritize the well-being of our kids, community and athletes.


Improving public spaces, including investment in active transportation for residents, will upgrade the quality of life for those that call Sarnia home. Researching and implementing best practices from progressive cities will help us make the strategic changes necessary to improve our sidewalks, roadways, public transit and infrastructure. By learning from the successes and failures of others, we will make Sarnia’s mobility safe, smart, and accessible to all.

As your mayor, I will modernize our shared spaces and roadways.


Providing affordable housing choices, access to quality community services, recreational activities and green spaces encourages ownership and anticipates growth. Healthy cities emphasize personal independence and collaborative partnerships to establish thriving neighbourhoods, regardless of age, abilities, or economics.

As your mayor, I will continue the work begun by city council four years ago, advocating for new builds and emphasizing affordable housing.


Healthy neighbourhoods are well-developed, economically practical, and, most of all, healthy neighbourhoods are intentional neighbourhoods. Moving into the future, city leaders must prioritize local, long-term infrastructure and planning. Look no further than the recent and repeated flooding in Sarnia. Our citizens pay the cost of short-term thinking, and the city’s longtime plan to save money holds less water than the basements in Sherwood Village, Cardiff Acres and Coronation Park.

While on city council, I consistently voted for neighbourhood initiatives that addressed present needs and anticipated future development, including projects in Mitton Village and Downtown Sarnia. I have also worked alongside grassroots groups to help activate improvements in their communities. For example, I continue to offer my ongoing political and personal support for the Bright’s Grove Library Community Hub expansion.

As your mayor, I will continue to empower community groups and invest city resources thoughtfully and strategically.