
The Transsexual/Transexual Church

trans•sex•u•al (tr ns-s k sh – l)
1. One who wishes to be considered by society as a member of the opposite sex.
2. One who has undergone a sex change.

The church throughout the bible is considered and called the bride of Christ. Christ is the groom. In this allegory we are Christ’s bride meant to serve and worship him in spirit and in truth. All too often I find that we are so busy serving and worshiping ourselves. We entertain ourselves with our programs, worship ourselves with our money and satisfy ourselves with a quick altar call. It’s almost as if we ourselves are trying to become the groom. Everything that we are commanded to be for the groom we become for ourselves. Are we not happy with being the bride?

The transsexuals of today are those that are sexually frustrated with who they were created to be. They are the ones who aren’t happy being male or female and seek to become the opposite. I find much of the church in the salvation. We want to become the opposite of what we are. We want to have the status of creator, God, groom when really we are the creation, human, bride. It’s time that the church stops trying to be a transsexual. We are the bride; we are meant to serve God, not ourselves. We are meant to worship God, not ourselves.

7 thoughts on “The Transsexual/Transexual Church”

  1. Nathan, Interesting, i’ve never thought about it like that before. I wrote about it on my website. Looks like you have a good site here, and wow, even visitors are posting your ideas on their sites, no doubt you’ll be the president of a large empire in no time. …seriously…we will be.

  2. Greetings be unto you!

    I would simply like to offer a correction on one thing mainly concerning transsexualism/transgenderism!

    I know how the dictionary will define certain things but will not have a complete and total definition of what something really is or the total essence of something!

    A transsexual is all of those things posted above but a transsexual is also someone who is born intersexed (meaning as a hermaphrodite) and although many don’t believe that’s something that is real but there are more INTERSEXED people born in this world but we have been stiffled into having to be one or the other! When in reality God created us as BOTH! If we are born as both, using the same “sense” that all of you use is that we should be left as is! With deformed genitalia but of course that wouldn’t fit in too well in a society that has made money off of pulling people to become ONE OR THE OTHER!

    What do you do with those TRANSSEXUALS who are born with BOTH SEX ORGANS as I was? Where do we stand? How do we fit into society?

    It isn’t feasible that we have surgery because God DID NOT make us into either male or female so where is that we are supposed to go and what are we supposed to do?

  3. Thank you for your post on my site!!
    You bring up some questions that there are many people in the church today struggling to figure out what should be an appropriate answer to those kind of questions. From a Christ standpoint though, it doesn’t matter what sex you are or what organs you are born with because we are commanded to love everyone. All our welcome into our communities (should be) and accepted as human beings, cause that is what they are.
    You ask some broad questions, and I’m not sure how to address them exactly since they are so broad, can you give an example and maybe I can go from there. I pray that you are able to be able to go to a community that follows Christ and feel accepted and loved, and I pray that they would include you like they would include anyone.

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